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Support & Exclusions


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A pack containing the following documents prepared and sent to parent/carer and Governors:

  1. A letter inviting the parents to the hearing (including a link to the DfE Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Guidance and Notts advice for parents)
  2. Letter informing parents of the Permanent Exclusion
  3. Headteacher’s / principal’s Report
  4. Anonymised witness statements (if relevant)
  5. An order of hearing
  6. Academy / school’s behaviour policy

Ensure that the pages of the pack are numbered consecutively and the report paginated.

Discipline Committee HT report

The chair of the committee will read from the agenda (annotated one provided if needed). Part of the hearing is for the HT to ‘make a case’ for the exclusion. It is imperative that this is presented in a manner that ensures that guidance and the law, has been followed. Please click below for an example.

Example Report

Writing the letter to parents

Investigation (sub notes)

  • In respect to the incident / proposed exclusion, the HT (or SLT member in the HT absence) needs to undertake a detailed investigation. Do not pre-empt the outcomes of this investigation. Use pupil and staff interviews and record carefully what has happened. If staff compile a witness statement, ensure these are signed and dated by both the person compiling it AND a witness to the date / time it was written.
  • Once this investigation is concluded, progress to step 2